Cathedrals have always appealed to the imagination. Hundreds of years of manpower have been invested in their building and it is not for nothing that today they represent imposing symbols of architecture and history. The cathedral is also a great source of inspiration for compositions, drawing on a full palette of acoustic echo effects, Gregorian melodies and organ based choral themes.
The work “Cathedrals” opens with a five tone motif using double tonguing which resonates through space. Then comes a Gregorian antiphonal theme “Salve Regina” which is heard in the euphonium and later combines with the opening motif. The quicker passage that follows is based entirely on the intervals in the motif which by now has added rhythmic variations and develops in different forms, including a fugue. The work then builds towards its first climax, from which unusual muted sounds emerge creating an atmosphere shrouded in mystery.
Gradually, more melodious fragments are added to the Gregorian antiphonal theme which develops into an expansive choral, emulating the organ and which rises above the sound mass. The work grows more powerful and brilliant in sound until it culminates in a short and explosive finale wherein elements from the whole work come together.
Remarks concerning performance:
The first part of this work seeks to imitate the acoustic effects of a cathedral. The answers to the five tone motif which come fractions seconds after one another diminuendo towards the end, in the same way as an echo in a cathedral. The answers should always be played ever more softly to obtain an optimal echo effect.
The time signature between bars 1 and 30 is 3/2. The motifs as from bar 45 should be played in the same tempo as in the beginning (of course, they are noted differently). When the tempo switches to back to presto, the motifs continue to run in the original tempo.
In the slow movement, muted cornets should seamlessly merge into the sounds of un-muted cornets. All motifs and melodies in this part should, to the greatest extent possible, melt into one another. The idea is not to have any soloistic sounding voices. Only the Gregorian chant theme, emulating the grandiose sound of an organ, may emerge above the ocean of sound (at K), building in dynamics with the rest of the orchestra.
The slow movement begins very softly and builds towards the loudest dynamic. Care should be taken that the build up is taken gradually (initially very little crescendo, then progressively more crescendo).
タイトル:Catedrales /
作曲:Bert Appermont / ベルト・アッペルモント
グレード: 5
出版社:Beriato Music
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